Cara Menyewa Referral Di PTC Probux

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Cara Menyewa Referral Di PTC Probux

Cara Menyewa Referral Di PTC Probux - Didalam dunia bisnis online pasti anda pernah mendengar kata "referral". Sebenarnya apa itu referral ? referral adalah orang yang anda ajak untuk mengikuti atau mendaftar sebagai member dalam suatu program yang sedang anda kerjakan. Referral dapat digolongkan menjadi dua, yaitu : Direct Referral (DR) dan Rental Referral (RR), yang akan di bahas saat ini adalah Rental Referral.

Rental Referral adalah Referral (orang ) yang disediakan oleh program bisnis tersebut ( biasanya Bisnis PTC) untuk disewakan kepada member yang ingin menyewa. Dengan menyewa referral, kita akan mendapatkan bayaran dari setiap klik yang dilakukannya sebagai tujuan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dari PTC tersebut. Bagaimana sobat, apa sudah mengerti ? Kalau sudah marikita lanjutkan dengan cara menyewa referral di probux.

Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini, kami sudah menyertakan gambar untuk mempermudah pemahaman anda dalam mengikuti tips ini.
Sebelum menyewa referral di probux, pastikan bahwa main balance anda memilki saldo.

Langkah 1:
Pastikan anda sudah login ke akun probux lalu klik Rent Referral.
Langkah 2:

Kemudian pilih paketnya, paket yang bisa dibeli (ini tergantung jumlah saldo di main balance atau rental balance akun probux anda ). Jika kotak paketnya berwarna hijau berarti paket tersebut bisa anda beli. Silahkan klik pada kotak tersebut.

Langkah 3:
Setelah memilih paketnya, akan muncul menu halaman konfirmasi lalu klik Yes.

 Langkah 4:
Jika semua langkah dilakukan berdasarkan tutorial diatas maka anda akan dihadapkan dengan halaman dengan tulisan seperti dibawah ini yang maksudnya adalah penyewaan sudah sukses dan referral sudah ditambahkan ke akun anda.
 Langkah 5:
Untuk memastikan apakah referral sudah masuk ke akun probux anda, silahkan cek. Lihat gambar dibawah ini untuk melihat cara mengeceknya.

Script Drama Rainbow Barbies

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Rainbow Barbie
Once, in a place that you won’t find on the map, there was a kingdom named Rainbow Kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a graceful king named Olaf. His wife named queen Olif was passed away 2 years ago. They have 5 beautiful princesses. Since the death of the queen, those 5 princesses started to have various unworthy behavior in their selves that make the king lit in his head.
(Scene 1)
In the living room:
Barbie pink        : (takes selfies, updates her statuses, and talks by herself) “Should I take this pose or this one? Or like this? Wow….good! This is nice! Next, it’s time to make new BBM statuses. “Taking selfies alone in the living room” hahhaha…
Barbie red       : “Hey, stop that you narcist girl. It would be better if you go find another positive things rather than doing such stupid things like that! How useless!”
Barbie Blue     : (passes by indifferently while reading a book and mumbles) “oh whatever they want to do. As long as I can keep continuing read this book it doesn’t matter.”
Barbie Brown  : (suddenly pulls Barbie pink’s dress) “My lovely sissyyyyyy… A new comeback album of Teentop has been release!!! Could you buy me one, pleaaaaaaseee…”
Barbie pink      : “oh my to the god! Really? Ok then, come on let’s buy it right away!” (dirrecty open her gadget)
Barbie Green   : “Hiya!! Here I come. Be ready you all. Hahhaha..” (disturbs all Barbie’s who are there in the living room)
King Olaf        : (comes close to his daughters) “Oh hold on my dear girls! Please, could you all please stop? You all are princesses. So you all are supposed to behave like a true princess. Am I right?”
Advisor Olala  : “Yes of course, your highness.” (bows)
Barbie red       : “We are all true princesses, papa! You are the King of this Kingdom and we are your daughter so definitely we are the princesses. Oh, you must be kidding me, papa.”
Barbie brown  : “yes, sister red is right, papa. And also we have to be just the way we are. The important thing is we are beautiful!” (Acts cute)
King Olaf        : (sighs) “Well, I lost my words.” (Leaves the living room)
Advisor Olala : (follows King Olaf)
The 5 princesses left behind and they continued their previous activity. Barbie pink and Barbie brown are busy chose their online shopping, Barbie red and Barbie green argued each other, Barbie blue sat alone read her thick book.
Meanwhile, King Olaf and Advisor Olala were having a serious conversation in the King Olaf’s office room. King Olaf was very worried about his daughter’s futures if they keep continueing behave like the way they are right now.
(Scene 2)
In King Olaf’s Office Room
King Olaf        : “Olala, what should I do? I really worry about what will happen to my daughters’ future. With their unworthy behavior right now it will be difficult for the people of our kingdom to accept them. You know how much I love them right?”
Advisor Olala  : “Yes, your highness. Actually, I have no intention to judge but to be honest our princesses behaviors are little bit far from how the real princesses are supposed to be.”
King Olaf        : “So, Olala. According to you, what should I do to help my daughters then?”
Advisor Olala  : “Well, your highness. If I could recommend you, what about wreaking a private tutor ?”
King Olaf        : “What? Wrecking ball? (Sings a part of Wrecking Ball by Mile Cyrus) You wreck me... What do you mean by that?”
Advisor Olala  : “Noooooooo your highness, it’s wreak not wreck. I mean you should find a great tutor to teach the princesses about how to be a real princess.”
King Olaf        : “wow! Marvelous Olala Marvelous, you’re brilliant!” (hugs the advisor)
Advisor Olala  : “Excuse me your highness. I think you’re acting a little bit too much.” (gets off from the king Olaf’s hug)
Then, Advisor Olala looked for the great tutor in the whole area of the kingdom and finally she found the great one but she actually the tutor is a little bit strange. Then Advisor Olala brought her to the kingdom. There, she introduced the tutor to the king. The king was happy to see the tutor and he asked the tutor to take care of the 5 princesses.
The next morning after breakfast in the kingdom, the princesses are asked by the king to gather in the office room. Then the king and the advisor Olala were going to introduce the tutor to the princesses.
(Scene 3)
 In the Kingdom’s office
King Olaf        :”My lovely daughters’, papa would like to introduce you the great one person who can help you to be a normal and be the real princess.”
Barbie Pink     :”oh my to God papa what’s going on. Is there something wrong with us?”
Barbie green    : “yeahhhh, what do you want to say papa?”
Other Barbie   : (Talks at once)
King Olaf        : (clear throat) “listen my dear, as I told you before there are something wrong with your behavior, it’s not like the real you just like the old time. So in order to fix that, I agree to invite a tutor to teach you.”
Barbie red       :”what, papa? Are you really thinking that this is necessary? Are we that bad in your eyes?” (Shocks)
Barbie Blue     : “hu’uh. Is that right?
Barbie brown : “Papa?”
King Olaf        :”Enough, dear girls! Enough! Please. Don’t think me wrong and just believe me. I do this for your own good. Now be nice. Just let’s welcome her. And do as papa said. Olala! Let that tutor come in.”
Advisor Olala  : “yes, your highness. Here she is.” (Comes along with the tutor)
The tutor Olay : hii, hii, hello, hello, everyone. My name’s Olay Pondsianita Wardahia Bioreta Ovalea Garniera. Is it clean and clear? Well, I’m a special tutor from total cosmetic academy. It’s such an honor to see you your highness and my beautiful princesses.(big smile)
King Olaf        : marvelous, marvelous, thanks Mrs.Olay. Well I’ll introduce you to my lovely princesses. This is Barbie pink my oldest daughter, and then Barbie red, Barbie green, Barbie blue, and this is youngest Barbie brown. (Appoints his Barbie one by one)
All of Barbie   : Hhmmms, hhmmms, (mumbling while nods)
The tutor Olay : attention girls.. Our first class will start tomorrow after breakfast, is it clean and clear?
All of Barbie   : Hhmmms, hhmmms, (mumbling while nods)
And so that how the day ended. The next morning after breakfast, all of princesses are asked by Mrs.Olay to gather in a special room of Barbie called “study room”
(Scene 4)
The tutor Olay : “Good morning my princesses, it’s a wonderful day, isn’t it? Well, today for the first lesson I’ll teach you something important. Being a princess means you will be a role model of your people. So, you need a great personality in you. That’s why the first lesson is about how to control your movements and also your emotions. Take this book as the reference. Put this book on your head and then walks whatever you want but you have to make sure that this book will not fall down. Whenever this book falls it means you failed. Is that clean and clear? Well okay I will show the example. It’s like this! (tries to walk with a book on her head but unfortunately the book fall down right away) oops! That’s just a misfortunate. Now it’s you all turn! Try.” (Smiles)
Barbie Pink     : (tries hardly as perfect as she can) “Ah, I should make this! This must be really easy for me. It’s just a piece of cake. Come on. Come on. Stay there my dear little book. Don’t fall down.”
Barbie Blue     : “Oh my God! This book is what I’ve been looking for. Oooh I should read it right away. I’m really curious.” (Starts to open the book and read it)
Barbie green    : (Bothers her others sisters) “I’m sorry to say, sister Red but your book is going to fall down.(push Barbie Red book with her forefinger) hahahahah. Sorry! Try again later.”
Barbie Red      : (upsets) “Stop it, Green! What’s wrong with you? (Picks up her book)
Barbie Brown  : (tries while singing the song that she is listening to) “ you got me crazy.”
Miss Olay        : “Hallo, girls?! Be serious please! Do as what Barbie Pink does. So, please stop being busy on your own. Come on! Just do it right, girls.
All Barbies      : (Do not response on Miss Olay. And they keep being busy on their own)
Miss Olay        : (speechless) oh god!
Miss Olay was very stressed after seeing her new students. Then she acted like a frustrated person. So, she wanted to change her way in teaching. So, she tried to do something enjoy.
(Scene 5)
Barbie red       : “huuhhh how long we must do this thing? “ (grumbles)
Miss Olay        : “okay, now put off the book on your head. Let’s try something fuuuunnnnnnn... just watch, learn and follow it” (big smile)
Barbie Red      : “and now what? Huuhhhh….” (grumbles)
Miss Olay        : (sing and dance according to music)
All Barbies      : (follow the Miss Olay)
While the singing and the dancing happening, suddenly the king Olaf and the advisor Olala come and getting shock seeing the situation in that room.
King Olaf        : “Woah, woah, woah, what’s going on here?! Could someone explain what kind of situation is this??! Miss Olay?”
Miss Olay        : “Forgive me, your highness. This is just a part of our lesson. The prin…”
King Olaf        : “A part of the the lesson you said?! What kind of lesson is this? Are you playing with me now? Hah! It can’t be! There’s no excuse for this kind of act. I am really disappointed for all of this inappropriate action. I’m sorry Miss Olay, you can stop working as their tutor starting from now. Olala, send her out. (Leaves the room angrily)
Miss Olay and the 5 princesses couldn’t say anything. Advisor Olala then asked Miss Olay to leave the room and send her back to Total Cosmetic Academy. In other hand, King Olaf got ill due to his overthinking on her daughters. He really thought that he was fail in raising his daughter to be true princesses. Knowing that, all the princesses felt guilty. They even started to change little by a little. But unfortunately it’s too late. After suffering in some period of time, King Olaf passed away. This fact was really a hard knock from the princesses. They were really regretted that their father wasn’t able to see them be a real true princess.
Times passed by. Now, it’s been a year since the death of King Olaf. The coronation day has come. All princesses who were already become true princesses. There was no temperamental, ignorance, selfishness, mischievousness, and any other unworthy behavior anymore. Now they were real true princesses. And they were ready for today.
(Scene 6)
Barbie Green   : “ooh finally, this day has come! I hope today’s coronation ceremony will run smoothly.” (Happy)
Barbie blue      : “I hope so, sister green. I wish our beloved sister pink won’t be really nervous.” (Giggles)
Barbie red       : (giggles) “Oh here she come! Omg!”
Advisor Olala  : (come along with Barbie Pink and Barbie Brown) “The new Queen of Rainbow Kingdom is entering the ballroom!”
Barbie Brown  : “Keep calm, sissy. Don’t be nervous. I’m here.” (Shows her big smile while holding Barbie Pink’s hand)
Barbie Pink     : (smiles back) “I’m okay, my dear sis. Don’t worry.”
Advisor Olala  : “Now it’s time to wear the crown, your highness.” (puts the crown on Barbie Pink’s head)
All                   : (claps and congratulates their new queen)
And so did the coronation day ended. The rainbow kingdom now ruled by Barbie pink as the new Queen, all princesses and all the people of the kingdom were really happy. But, the happiest person here was Advisor Olala. As the late King Olaf’s best friend she finally witnesses with her own eyes, those princesses become a true princesses for real. She felt relief and very glad for King Olaf. She realized that the most important lesson from all of this is people won’t change as long as there are no intentions from their selves to change. No matter how hard the other people try to change them, it will just end up in vain.

Local A (Group 4)
The casts :
1.      M. Agusrianto as King Olaf (Wise King)
2.      Juliana as Barbie Pink (Selfish )
3.      Shinta Nurilla as Barbie Red (Temperamental)
4.      Nuratija as Barbie Green (Mischievous)
5.      Noor Alam as Barbie Blue (Bookworm)
6.      Dona Oktavianti as Barbie Brown (music mania)
7.      Desi Arsita as Advisor Olala (loyal)
8.      Azlisa AKP as Miss Olay P.W.B.O.G (odd)